Thursday, February 20, 2014

Collections Curator Internship -- NLIC

Well, I've been NLIC'ed for the Collections Curator Professional Internship I applied for a couple of weeks ago with Disney. I wasn't expecting to be accepted for a Professional Internship, so I'm not completely devastated, but this one really did sound perfect for me. This internship would have combined my interest in the curatorial field with my interest in Disney. I did not get automatically NLIC'ed, so my application and resume passed the initial tests that Disney recruiting runs on it. I assume I was NLIC'ed just because there must be better applicants out there-- I honestly cannot think of anything on my resume that was not what the job description was looking for. The only negative part of my application, in my opinion was the GPA section. There was no required GPA for this internship, however the application did ask which range my GPA was in. The range that mine falls into was the 2.0-2.99 range, which is incredibly annoying because my GPA is a 2.9175. I did not want to select the 3.0 range, because if they checked with my school that would look bad, however the fact that I was lumped in with 2.0's probably did not help my case. (As a side note, my school's grading policy makes it incredibly difficult to get good grades. I've heard things like, a 2.8 at my school is equal to a 3.4 at others. We're also one of only 15 colleges IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY that require comprehensive exams to graduate with a Bachelors. So in the grand scheme of things my GPA isn't really terrible, but it probably isn't what Disney is looking for either.) On a more positive note, Disney is great about giving applicants feedback for where they went wrong with an application, and I've already emailed them about this one. I received an automated email stating that I should hear back from a real person within 3 to 5 days. I'm not completely upset over it, but I'd like to know what went wrong that I was NLIC'ed. 

Other updates: I'm still waiting to hear back after my phone interview for the DCP, and Chaz is still in submission. Can this process move any slower this year?

Instagram: @bdicologero


  1. Chaz applied too? I had no idea. I hope I get to visit both of you. :) Keeping my fingers crossed.
