Friday, July 25, 2014

Single Digit Dance! & the Ugliest Shoes I Will Ever Wear

As of today, my countdown for when I leave for the DCP is in the single digits! Only 9 more days until I leave for Orlando! I still haven't finished packing. I have everything that I'm bringing set aside, so now I just need to really organize it all and make it fit into suitcases (that weigh less than 50 lbs.) If I go over the weight limit, I will have to put some things aside and have my parents ship them to me later, or I will just have to eliminate anything that I don't think I will need as much.

Yesterday I bought my shoes for work during the DCP. I know that I'm taking a chance in buying shows before I arrive, since I don't know my work location yet, but I don't want to be stuck buying work shoes when I get there. I bought black sneakers, because most of the Merchandise costumes require all black shoes, so I'm really just taking a chance (and now hoping) that I won't be at one of the few locations where the shoes need to be white. Even if I do end up needing white shoes, I don't think the black ones will go to waste because I can pick up shifts at other locations that use black shoes. (I could also be deployed, which means Disney might change my location, to somewhere with black shoes.) 

Anyways, I bought Fila workforce sneakers, and they are probably the ugliest shoes I've ever worn, but they're also the most comfortable. I'm kicking myself for not buying these years ago when I worked at Staples. (I wore either Converse or DC's at Staples, both were not the best choice for a job where you're on your feet all day, but I never ended up buying anything better.) 

I bought them at JC Penney, and for $39.99, I think they will be a really good value if they last through my entire program. It's one more thing I'll have to pack, but I'd rather have the shoes taken care of ahead of time. (If they really don't end up fitting in my suitcase, I'm going to just throw them in the tote bag I'm using as a carry on.)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

10 Things You Didn't Expect to Learn During Your Disney College Program (LinkedIn Article)

One of the most difficult things about pursuing an internship with Disney through the college program, is that so many people have misconceptions about what the program actually is. I know from my own experience, that when I tell someone I will be participating in the Disney College Program, there is a decent chance that he or she will be confused and not fully understand what I'm doing. I've had people think that I'm going to a Disney college, and others think that I'm basically throwing my career away by moving to Florida to work retail. Over the past couple of years, I've tried to help people better understand the program, however this is often difficult, and for whatever reason some people want to stick with what they originally believed the program to be, regardless of how much I try to explain what the program truly is. 

While browsing through my LinkedIn account, I came across an article written by a former Disney College Program participant, about all of the different things she learned during her program. I've tried to mention some of these things on my blog before, but I think that this article, written by Lisette Espinal, is perfect for summing up all of the different components of the DCP.

The following is the main portion of the article. Click here to read the entire article on LinkedIn.

  • 1 How to Budget Your Finances

    CP's live the simple life and therefore they must live on a budget. During your CP you realize the importance of $aving Money and prioritizing. For many of us this the was our first time having to pay rent and shop for our own groceries. It was a wake up call for a lot of us, but WE DID IT and now we are more equipped then many other college students.
  • 2 Professionalism

    Whether you are trying to work for corporate America or behind a counter, HAKUNA MATATA, you learned the art of professionalism. The "Disney Look" provides you with the tools you need to look clean cut and spiffy. You wore your name tag proudly and learned that even off the clock, you were a representation of the company. This taught you to keep your smile and composure amid the most difficult times and/or Guest situations.
  • 3 Networking

    You delivered long narratives at Attractions, took orders, gave Guests directions, and even connected with people who recognized your hometown. Speaking with so many people makes you quite the social butterfly. You are not nearly as shy as you once were. You learned a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet. This has taught you to Network with fellow Castmembers and build connections with many others. This is an advantage for anyone looking to further their career.
  • 4 Body Language Literacy

    You realized that you can read people better. You learned the subtleties of body language. You see a Guest looking around aimlessly, so you go up to them and offer them assistance. You find yourself helping Guests who do not speak the same language as you. You can spot a child who has been separated from their family among hundreds. This skill often goes underrated but being able to pick up on non-verbal cues is a universal asset. It prevents conflict due to misunderstandings and can even improve your interpersonal relationships.
  • 5 Excellent Guest Service

    Be our Guest! Put our service to the test! During your CP, Disney taught you the importance and keys to providing excellent Guest service. Our attention to detail goes unmatched. No one does Hospitality like Castmembers. We make sure everyone is treated like a VIP and so we have to make the most out of their visit. You learn how efficiency can go a long way for someone. So, whenever you get bad customer service anywhere else, it drives you insane.
  • 6 Diversity and Cultural Awareness

    Whether you are rooming with ICP's or dealing with Brazilian Guests, your world has just become that much bigger. You have to work and live with people from different nationalities and some from places you have never even heard of. As a CP, you have also been lucky enough to experience a diverse workforce where people range from ages 18-79+. Your taste in music has expanded and so has that second language you've been working on. You have also had the opportunity to visit some of these countries. Thank you EPCOT and The Commons (FL).
  • 7 New Climate New Rules

    Just a few days under the sun and you soon realize that not all is fun. You have to protect yourself with an endless supply of sunscreen and remain hydrated. Your water bottle is you arsenal against the scorching sun. The heat is definitely nothing to mess around with and neither is getting caught in the rain. With warm weather also comes a different type of horticulture and wild life. You have seen it all from little green lizards to grasshoppers to ducks, maybe even an alligator by the highway...the usual.
  • 8 Insight on Identity

    This internship has made you grow up so much, while simultaneously keeping the little kid in you alive. Many of us left home or even their coast for the first time. Being able to "Live, Learn, and Earn" has taught you what were capable of as a young adult. We learned a degree of Independence that some of us weren't sure we had in us. You also learned that happiness comes from putting others first and meeting their needs. Making Guests happy was fulfilling for its own sake. You became more selfless. The CP taught us that it's possible to 'work hard and play hard'. Meeting so many people has even put into perspective what it means to grow up American.
  • 9 Life Long Friendships

    We were not ready to meet some of the greatest people in our lives, who sadly live no where near us. You worked together, played together, even got a taste of the nightlife at the House of Blues etc. together. You went to class, housing events, discovered the amazing southern food options, and even did grocery shopping together. You would think you have known these fellow interns your whole life. After your program you find yourself looking through old pictures, video chatting, and even planning reunions. There are people who went through a life transforming journey with you and no one outside your program will ever understand the bond.
  • 10 The Magic Never Ends

    Lastly, after working for the Mouse and understanding the inner workings of Disney, you realize that it didn't ruin anything but made it all the more Magical. After your program ended, any Disney Park commercial makes your heart skip a beat and keeps you longing for a visit. Watching fireworks elsewhere just doesn't seem to measure up. You find yourself participating in "Disney Movie Nights" and going to Disney movie premieres. People look to you whenever they need advice on making the most of their Disney visit and you respond as if you were on the clock. You have either sent or received postcards from your fellow ICP/CP friends. So although your program is over, the Magic and Disney Heritage stays with you everywhere you go."
Original article posted at Written by Lisette Espinal. 

Hopefully this article helps out any future CPs, who are having a difficult time explaining what they're doing with their futures to people who have no idea what this program is. I think that calling it "Disney College Program," can be very confusing, however they can't really put "internship" in the name because there are already Disney's Professional Internships. Though this article is definitely meant for people who have already completed the program, it can be helpful in trying to figure out how to explain the DCP to your family and friends.

P.S. I'm leaving in 10 days! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Packing -- DCP in 15 Days!!

Since I will be flying to Orlando, my suitcase space is pretty limited. Unfortunately for me, I've had a really difficult time finding resources from past CPs about how they dealt with packing if they did not drive to Florida. I feel like if I were driving, packing would be so easy. I'm used to packing up my car for school, and being able to drive back home if I really need to get something I forgot. For the DCP, I will not be able to do either. 

I'm planning on bringing two suitcases, and one tote bag or some other kind of carry on for last minute things that I can just throw in there. The regular suitcases are going to packed primarily with clothes. I'm trying to bring all of my clothes, rather than buying them there, because I don't think I'm going to want to deal with having to go clothes shopping when I get to Florida. I've recently purchased some new business casual outfits (because I'll need them for Traditions, which is the orientation all new cast members must attend, and for my Disney class, which I will discuss more in a later post.) I've found some business outfits that I do really like, I'm just worried that they're going to be really hot and uncomfortable with Florida heat and humidity, so I guess we'll see how that goes when I get there.

I also plan on buying black sneakers before I arrive. I am kind of taking a chance on buying these ahead of time, because I don't know my work location yet, however most merchandise locations require black sneakers, and if possible I'd rather not be in the rush of CPs getting shoes at Wal-Mart when we arrive.

Because I don't have a lot of suitcase space, there are a lot of things that I will need to buy when I land in Florida. For toiletries, I'm only bringing the basics that are absolutely necessary, like a toothbrush and deodorant for instance. Any extra hair and makeup products I will buy at Wal-Mart or Target the day we check in. I'm also going to have to buy random things for the apartment, like hangers and cleaning products. And I will have to buy bedding, including a pillow, for my bedroom in the apartment.

Thankfully, my roommates are bringing a lot of things for the apartment that would be difficult for me to bring. I'm working on a vlog about packing, so if you have any questions or anything you'd like to hear more about in a vlog just let me know!

Don't forget to find me on Instagram!