Friday, June 12, 2015

"Brittany Earns Her Ears," General Updates, and DCP Spring 2015 Recap!

"Brittany Earns Her Ears" is officially available on Amazon in both paperback copies and e-books. Click here to purchase my new book on Amazon now! :)

Apologies are in order for how much this blog has been neglected during my program. Unfortunately writing a book, articles (for Disney Questions, Disney Fanatic, and Disney Dining) and working at Walt Disney World is really not a conducive schedule for writing blog posts on a regular basis. 

Since finishing the DCP, I've been working at a museum on Boston's Freedom Trail, where I was employed before I left for the program. It's not a bad job, but it's part time, and now that I'm finished with school I really need something full time. I started looking for full time work while I was still in Florida. During the last couple of weeks of my program, I sent out my resume to a bunch of organizations and really focused on getting started with the job search, but either got rejected or no response from everywhere I applied. Still waiting to hear back from somewhere, I began working at my old job as soon as I got home. Soon after I heard back from the Harvard Art Museum, where I was offered an interview, and eventually a job. In a couple of weeks I still be starting full time, as a Museum Attendant, working in all three of the Harvard Art Museums. 

Now let's back up a little bit, and I'll give a quick recap of my Spring DCP. I was given a new role and a new location for my Spring extension, so I said good-bye (kind of) to merchandise and was on my way to attractions at Hollywood Studios! My location was Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show, and occasionally Fantasmic! and while I was not so excited about working at shows at first, I grew to love my time there. I also learned that what you request when you extend for a location apparently doesn't matter. (I requested Expedition Everest, Spaceship Earth, One Man's Dream, and Tower of Terror.) When I initially found out I was in Hollywood Studios, I had my hopes way too high thinking that I must have gotten Tower of Terror or One Man's Dream. Then, I found out that my attraction was in the Backlands, which was worrisome because most of the Backlands included attractions that I would never want to work at-- Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Frozen Sing Along, Toy Story Midway Mania, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Lights, Motors, Action!, One Man's Dream, Magic of Disney Animation, and Disney Junior Live on Stage. After learning which attractions were included in the Backlands, I hoped I would get One Man's Dream, since that was one of the attractions I requested. I'll be honest and say that Hollywood Studios is my least favorite park, and the only places I would really have wanted to work at would have been One Man's Dream or Tower of Terror. When I found out I was at Lights, Motors, Action! (LMA) I was surprisingly relieved. 

Initially I did not want to work at a show, because I thought that my job would be nothing but telling people to move all the way to the end of their row, but I quickly found that working at a show (or perhaps just attractions in general) was so much more than that. Working at LMA taught me how to communicate over a radio to other cast members, and the importance of safety critical positions, where I was responsible for monitoring guest flow and opening and closing gates that the cars enter or exit through during the show. Attractions was so much more "Disney" than merchandise if that makes sense, and I'm so happy that I was able to spend a couple of months working at LMA.

I think that's all for this post, but I will write some more about my most recent college program soon! I'm going to be running a contest on Instagram to give away a free copy of my book, so be on the lookout for that :)

Brittany Earns Her Ears -- Now Available on Amazon!

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